Wednesday, September 12, 2012

dinner time

dinner time tends to be the hardest part of the day for porter.  i tend to get very frustrated...i think the feeling is mutual.  love him.   : )


  1. Ummmm...this may be annoying for you to see me type, but I think he looks SO CUTE in that picture...I'm sure when he's screaming and food covered, "cute" is not what comes to your mind, but as an outsider looking in I can't help but think that angry, dinner covered face is pretty adorable.

  2. Cant see the picture!

  3. Now I can! Weird, must be my computer!
    I agree with Lynette, he does look cute even though he's not acting cute :)
    ....but babies are supposed to be cute at all times, he's just doing his job. :)
    Here's a funny caption for the photo "Daddy, stop playing your music!"
    Now for my real feedback.
    Cori, this season is just for a short time,....I remember those frustrating days too. ..and I'd often have all the clothes off too to save on laundry. Keep pressing in there. Try to approach meal time with more humor and less stress, maybe put on fun music, have toys available to distract him, alternate spoonfulls with foods he does like (this worked really well with Nicholas, he didn't seem to realize I kept switching the food)
    Also, (maybe you're doing this already) I recommend you eat separately so that you can enjoy your meal in a relaxed, happy environment...stress free. :)
    ...I still apply this tip in my own life sometimes. :)
    Love you!
