Tuesday, October 30, 2012


we got our first snow here.  its not much, but it was nice to wake up to.  we hope everyone back home is staying safe!  crazy that we are all experiencing crazy weather from the same storm...
our back yard



  1. snow- your favorite!

    and you have a backyard cori! yay:)

  2. I was actually just thinking, "I hope Cori posted something today, I miss her"...so nice to see you posted. :) I'm semi-jealous of your snow...jealous because I would love an excuse to stay home from work (haha!) but not fully jealous because I'm not ready for Fall to be over yet. Anyway, enough of the rabbit trail...I hope you enjoyed your snow day and your backyard...John Porter looks quite adventurous inspecting the snow with his sweater on. :)
