Saturday, October 13, 2012

daytrip to berea

today we went to berea, which is about an hour and a half away.  we went there to visit the roush family, who we met through our friends back in lancaster, michael and mary neumann.  so...friends of our friends, are now our friends.  (does that make sense?)

danny and lisa roush could not have been nicer.  they never had met us before, but they welcomed us to their beautiful sustainable farm to hang out and have dinner.  we loved getting to know them and their 4 children.  we also loved getting to see their farm and the animals... john porter had the time of his life.


  1. Cori - just catching up on your blog here over lunch. I love it! I feel I'm not missing a beat with you guys. We are still reading A Praying Life in caregroup. I'm so glad you finished it and are doing the cards. i hope they are a helpful tool for you. i think the second half of the book is better than the first but that's me. love you guys! miss you all!


  2. So beautiful. John Porter looks so engaged and happy. Your photography is great, Cori!! :-)

    So grateful for these nice people's hospitality to you.

    Love you tons,

  3. oooo! this seems cool! I love farms (and nice people!)
