Friday, January 25, 2013

due to hours of wasted time and frustration i have decided to move my blog to wordpress.  blogger has not been cooperating.

so here is a link to my new and improved blog...

thanks for sticking with me through all these changes...

Saturday, January 19, 2013

we are moving!

the Lord has answered all our prayers.  we found a beautiful place to live.  we are so excited.  it is 6 miles away from school, which is sort of a bummer, but it is worth it.  it is more than enough space...2 bedrooms and 2.5 bathrooms.  it is a newer townhouse.  it is clean, open, bright, and most importantly, mold free...all the things our current home wasn't.  we feel so thankful.

photos to come...we will most likely not have internet for a few days so it might be a little while.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

an answered complaint

ironically, the day after i posted my complaints about living in this house we found out we will need to move.  before we left for christmas break we had found areas that were starting to grow mold. (around the trim and on one of the walls)  we told our landlord (Moose) about it, and he came in and did some work on those areas while we were gone.  we thought the issue was resolved. 

today i went to get a box of paper from the small closet where i keep my art stuff.  i was startled to see the back of the closet looked blackish grey....and not white.  it was covered in mold.  sick.  after some inspection we found it was starting to grow in other areas as well. 

so we spent the rest of today searching for a new place to live.  we visited two places, bur neither of them were right for us.  i am trying not to feel really overwhelmed with the thought of moving everything all over again.  we are praying we can find a place really soon.  john's schedule is only going to get busier, and the thought of living in a mold infested house makes me want to hyperventilate.

however, we are trusting the Lord.  we know he has the perfect place set aside for us.  he will lead us there.  this mold is actually a blessing...its my ticket out of here!!!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

truth be told

 i kind of hate our little apartment.  i keep trying to tell myself i don't.  i keep trying to look for the good things.  we try to talk about things we like about this place...but we both know we are lying to ourselves.  its damp, dark, musty, and run down.  it does have a few good is a good size...and it is a walkable distance from school....but that is about it.  when we got back from break i went to pull blinds and i found a thick plastic over the windows, on the inside and out (our landlords attempt at keeping the heat in).  i can't see outside.  it feels sad.  sometimes i feel like im trapped in a dark dungeon. 

okay, its really not that bad.  its kind of funny actually.  we will probably look back at our year or two of living here and laugh about it. 

oh...but when i think about our beautiful home sitting on the corner of mulberry and lemon....*sigh* 

but at least we have somewhere to live.  that keeps us dry and warm. some people don't even have that.

...back and forth i go...all day long...okay, enough of that.

we are having a nice transitional week...back into kentucky life.  john has his first week of classes, so his work load is light. 

Sunday, January 13, 2013

we made it!

we made it back to our little home here in morehead kentucky.  the trip went as good as it could have.  although it was pouring down rain when we arrived, which we were expecting.  it rains so much here.  our front lawn area has quickly become a sloshy muddy swamp.  our apartment, although damp and musty, felt good to us.  it feels good to be back to a schedule and regularity.  john starts tomorrow.  we will see what this semester will bring...
thank you lancaster farms for yummy milk!!!

Saturday, January 12, 2013

friends thanksgiving! january

this year was a hit.  we met in birdsboro at emily's house.  it was our smallest thanksgiving party yet...which was actually nice.  we got to have more time to catch up and be together.  it was so good to be with my old roommates, and our honorary roommate, An (bridget's sister).  also, emily and jolene did a great job with the turkey.  not to mention the purcel's triple berry crumb pie...